It’s possible that your business’s current sales and traffic are neither low nor improving. Sometimes, staying stagnant is bad for a company, especially if it’s consistent for too long.

Improvements can help you effectively contend with your competitors, and the solution is easier than you think. Check out these retail display tips to increase sales and traffic.

Use the Space

Always use the size of your business to your advantage. Remember, using the storage space effectively may be tricky. You don’t want the store to look congested, but you don’t want it too bare.

Survey the space and areas you notice don’t receive enough attention. Consider adding some attractive signage to these sections. Make sure the signs correlate with the items on sale nearby. The store needs to exude harmony, but you can’t do that with conflicting ideas.

Interactive Displays

Customers love an interactive display. Firstly, they are extremely cool. Secondly, people love to feel included. You don’t need to place them throughout your entire store; set up a few in front to draw a crowd.

Make sure the display flashes a message saying “touch here” so customers know they can interact with it. You’ll increase customer engagement by allowing them to test products with this display. It makes the shopping experience so much more fun!

Window Treatments

Window displays are the oldest trick in the book and still the most effective. The windows are the eyes of the store and the exact places where the customer’s eyes go. Don’t break from tradition when it comes to window displays.

Include them in your game plan. Change out the window displays daily or weekly. Never let one display sit for too long. You need to stay fresh and current in your customer’s minds. Plus, new displays give the impression that you have new merchandise to sell.

Trial Runs

It’s important to test out these displays before establishing them inside your store. You want to make sure they convey the desired look and feel to customers. It needs to be convincing, enticing, and encouraging.

At M.A. Patterson Company, we have a few point-of-purchase display mockups you can consider testing out for your store. Place these displays near new products and your most popular ones to see how well people respond to them and increase sales.

The holiday season is near, and now is the best time to attract as many customers to your store as possible. Using retail displays to increase sales and traffic is just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve got plenty more tips for you to consider and apply. For more information, visit our website.